Friday, October 14, 2011

Guess what.....????

We're having a baby!!!

Yep, our little house is going to get a lot busier come April next year.

We are so excited and can't wait to meet little Baby B. Glen and Will think it's a girl. And Will refers to the baby as 'little baby sister' and talks to my belly in a high pitch voice with things like 'Hello little baby sister, you want a treat?'

Some of you may have guessed as it sort of explains why I've been MIA from the blog world for the last 3mths. My energy levels and nausea are starting to get back to normal - I'm 14wks tomorrow.

So yes, I'm joining all the other lovely bloggers who are pregnant at the moment so sorry peeps, there will probably be lots of baby and nursery posts to come :)

Have a great day!!!


  1. Congrats!! Very exciting - especially with getting to design a nursery!!
    Deb from Talking Design xx

  2. Aw congratulations Janette. How very exciting for you all. I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. Take care, Deb

  3. Congratulations lovely. Such fantastic news. Hope you get a bit of energy back soon so we can see and hear more of you.

  4. Congrats Janette! I hope you're feeling much better soon!

  5. Yay!!! Congratulations Janette! Wonderful news :)
    I struggled badly with shocking morning sickness for the 1st 4 months....thankfully that ended & the rest of the pregnancy has been great!
    Wishing you & your growing family all the best!
    EXCITING times :)

  6. Great ultra sound picture. It is so clear. Congratulations. There must be a computer virus going around, hah.

  7. Congratulations Janette and Glen, exciting news and happy times ahead. xx

  8. You have no idea how excited I am about this news!! YAY YAY YAY!!
    Congratulations again so happy for you and your little family ; )

    We found out we are having a boy..and Im so excited about this...even though I thought for most part of the beginning of my pregnancy it was a girl..Jacq was the only one that insisted it was a boy all along...turns out he was right ; )

    Whatever you thing for sure it is going to be...a true blessing and joy in yours, Glen's and Wills life.

    So so happy for you lovely and looking forward to more baby posts ; )

  9. WOW this is amazing - you lucky devil!!! Well done to keep it under wraps for 14wks - I'd be busting to tell the world!!! good luck mate, can't wait to meet him... xxxxxxxxxx

  10. Hello Janette

    That is the best news.
    Gorgeous little baby smell and noises to come soon - it will fly so quick and April a lovely time.

    Congratulations to you all



  11. Wowee! There's something in the bloggy water!
    Congrats Janette, that's so great. Lucky you :)
    Take care xx

  12. So, so happy for you, Sweetheart! And glad the news is out now ☺. J x

  13. Congrats Janette!!! What wonderful news <3


  14. Congrats! How very exciting!

    ~ Clare x

  15. YAYYYYYYYY!!! My pregnancy hormones must have hit an all time high because that adorable ultrasound pic of your precious bub has me all teary, I think mainly because I'm SOOOO excited for you!! I wish I could reach through the screen and give you a big hug :) That's so cute that Will talks to your belly like that :) What a blessed little bub he/she is to be joining such a special family xx

  16. Now you'll just have to start deciding which of your gorgeous prints your going to use in B's nursery!

  17. Congratulations! Big brother congrats to Will too xxx

  18. Such wonderful news Janette! I'm with Sarah, there must be something in the bloggy water! Congratulations sweets xxx

  19. I'm so incredibly happy for you. Congrats. Enjoy the journey.

  20. So happy for you....congratulations and stay well!!
    You're joining the club of 3 exciting, it adds a totally new dimension to your family :))
    You've let them outnumber out!!!!!

  21. Congratulations Janette to you and Glenn and to big brother Will. I am so happy for you all. Glad that you are feeling better now. Big hugs to you. xx

  22. Soooo excited for you guys, it nearly makes me want to go again...nearly :)

  23. How fabulous Janette, congratulations! Always love to read about news of pregnancy or births, so lovely :o) Glad to hear you're coming out of that draining, nauseous stage. Lots of precious moments ahead for you xo

  24. Wow congratulations to you and your family. Such exciting news and I wish you well for the rest of your pregnancy and, of course, the safe delivery of bubs!

  25. YAY!!!! Your little baby looks perfect already, what a great ultrasound shot! Big congratulations to you and your little family. Can't wait to 'meet' your new addition when she/he arrives. Rachaelx

  26. Congratulations Janette to you and your family! How exciting for all of you. Mimi xx

  27. Yay! That's so exciting! Congratulations!


Thanks! I love reading your comments! Jxx